Current projects


Year: 2024
Investigator: Dr. Rohit Singh
Location: Ohio State University
Amount in CAD Funds: $65,000.00


Year: 2024
Investigator: Charles Gersbach
Location: Duke University
Amount in CAD Funds: $95,000.00

Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Identify Biomarkers of Skin Picking Behavior in PWS

Year: 2023
Investigator: Dr. Scott Hall
Location: Stanford University
Amount in CAD Funds: $90,000.00

The Role of Microglia in Prader-Willi Syndrome and a Hypothalamic Gene Therapy

Year: 2023
Investigator: Dr. Lei Cao
Location: Ohio State University
Amount in CAD Funds: $90,000.00

Unraveling the Mechanism of PWS by Molecular Dissection of Driver Genes in Hypothalamic Neuron Model, Year 2

Year: 2022
Investigator: Dr. Derek Tai
Location: University of Michigan
Amount in CAD Funds: $146,222.00

Determining Beloranib’s Mechanism of Action to Inform Novel Drug Targets for PWS

Year: 2022
Investigator: Dr. Sarah Mitchell
Location: ETH Zurich
Amount in CAD Funds: $146,222.00

Unraveling the Mechanism of PWS by Molecular Dissection of Driver Genes in Hypothalamic Neuron Model, Year 2

Year: 2021
Investigator: Dr. Derek Tai
Location: Massachusetts General Hospital
Amount in CAD Funds: $149,018.00

Role of MAGEL2 in Excitatory Synapse Function – PWS gene effects on oxytocin and brain cell communication

Year: 2020
Investigator: Dr. Deniz Atasoy
Location: University of Iowa
Amount in CAD Funds: $84,838.00

Neuronal Mechanisms of Developmental Cognitive Impairment in the SNORD116Del Mouse Model for Prader-Willi Syndrome – How neurons develop differently in PWS

Year: 2020
Investigator: Dr. Timothy Wells
Location: Cardiff University
Amount in CAD Funds:   $4,713.00

Allele-Specific DNA Replication Timing of the Prader-Willi Locus and its Influence on Neuronal Development – Brain cell replication in PWS has defective DNA, which might cause some of the PWS developmental effects

Year: 2020
Investigator: Dr. Amnon Koren
Location: Cardiff University
Amount in CAD Funds: $70,698.00

Investigating a new potential target for treatment in Prader-Willi Syndrome

Year: 2019
Investigator: Dr. Lauren Rice
Location: University of Sydney
Amount in CAD Funds:   $200,428.00

Understanding the role of microglia in the Prader-Willi Hypothalamus

Year: 2018
Investigator: Dr. Deborah Kurrasch
Location: University of Calgary
Amount in CAD Funds: $142,461.00

Chronic Stress, cognition, and food cue reactivity in PWS: A Magnetoencephalography study

Year: 2018
Investigator: Dr. Jill Hamilton
Location: Hospital for Sick Children Toronto
Amount in CAD Funds: $147,689.00

Systematic Investigation of Early Social Cognitive Processes and the Feasibility of Intervention

Year: 2017
Investigator: Dr. Anastasia Dimitropoulos
Location: Case Western University, Ohio
Amount in CAD Funds: $100,252.00

Dissecting a novel brainstem feeding circuit in Prader-Willi Syndrome

Year: 2017
Investigator: Alexander Nectow
Location: Princeton University
Amount in CAD Funds: $135,389.00

A Mindfulness-based intervention for temper outbursts in Prader-Willi Syndrome.

Year: 2017
Investigator: Stewart Einfeld
Location: University of Sydney, Australia
Amount in CAD Funds: $60,766.00

Improving social functioning in Prader-Willi syndrome

Year: 2017
Investigator: Elisabeth Dykens
Location: Vanderbilt University
Amount in CAD Funds: $147,538.00

Therapeutic Potential of Blocking Zinc Finger Protein 274 Binding to the PWS Locus

Year: 2017
Investigator: Marc Lalande, PhD
Location: University of Connecticut Health Center
Amount in CAD Funds: $72,842.00

Mitochondrial Complex I dysfunction in Prader Willi Syndrome: A new therapeutic target

Year: 2016
Investigator: Dr. Ingrid Tein 
Location: Hospital for Sick Kids, Toronto 
Amount in CAD Funds: $71,555.00

Impact of carbohydrate restricted diet upon growth and hyperphagia/food anxiety in children with Prader-Willi Syndrome

Year: 2016
Investigator: Ann Scheimann, MD
Location: Johns Hopkins University
Amount in CAD Funds:  $150,514.00

Loss of MAGEL2 and hypotonia in Prader-Willi Syndrome

Year: 2016
Investigator: Rachel Wevrick, PhD
Location: University of Alberta
Amount in CAD Funds: $111,821.00

Role of melanin concentrating hormone in an animal model of Prader-Willi Syndrome

Year: 2015
Investigator: Michiru Hirasawa, DVM, PhD
Location: Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s
Amount in CAD Funds: $84,000.00

Characterisation of anti-ghrelin autoantibodies in Prader-Willi Syndrome

Year: 2015
Investigator: Lisa Chopin, DVM, PhD
Location: Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Amount in CAD Funds:  $158,431.00

Reactivation of the PWS locus via disruption of the ZNF274 silencing complex

Year: 2014
Investigator: Marc Lalande, PhD
Location: University of Connecticut Health Center
Amount in CAD Funds:  $129,027.00

Small Molecules and Therapeutic Potential for PWS

Year: 2014
Investigator:  Yong-Hui Jiang,PhD
Location: Duke University, Durham NC
Amount in CAD Funds: $21,710.00